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Friday, June 26, 2009

[Powerpoint]:"Arkaan-ul Islam - # First pillar - SHAHAADATAIN - Declaration of Faith" - Fardhu 'Ain beginners' course on Islam.

Al-Hamdulillah! Yesterday's topic introducing the arkaan-ul-Islam, begun with the Shahaadatain. Attached is the powerpoint slides-share (but the software was unable to upload the Arabic Qur'an script without error - so it was omitted] . Those wishing to obtain original powerpoints with the Qur'anic Arabic scripts can e-mail me. Hope that it has been beneficial, inshaAllaah!
May Allah increase us in beneficial knowledge with Taufiq and Hidaaya, and raise our ranks in His sight to be amongst the fellowship of the Prophets (Nabiyyin), the Truthful Ones (Swiddiqeen), the Witnesses (Shuhadaa' -martyrs), the Righteous Ones (SwoliHeen). Ameen ya Robbal 'Aalameen!

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